City of LA office of finance

Los Angeles (August 26, 2014) – Continuing its efforts to make it convenient for businesses to operate in the City of Los Angeles, the Office of Finance announced today the availability for businesses to obtain a Business Tax Registration Certificate online in lieu of needing to mail in an application or visit a service office in person. The online program assists businesses with their self-assessment of the City business tax classifications that they can register under. Businesses who are also required to obtain a tax registration certificate for parking occupancy, transient occupancy, communications user, and utility tax obligations can use this site.

Registration can be completed online at Upon registration, businesses will receive their tax registration number along with a temporary certificate, which allows them to immediately commence operations in the City.

This service is in addition to other web-based programs provided by the Office of Finance, which include electronic filing of all tax and permit renewals administered by the department and online bill payment options 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This year over 70% of Los Angeles businesses that renewed their business tax certificate filed their business taxes online.

The Office of Finance recently launched its Paperless Statement Program for businesses who are registered with the City. Opting in to this environmentally friendly program on the department’s website enables a business to receive electronic account notifications in lieu of hard copy statements.

By employing “best practices” of public and private agencies, the Office of Finance encourages
business and permit holders to utilize all applicable web-based options to facilitate the effective use of their valuable time and resources. Furthermore, the Office of Finance remains committed to the identification and establishment of other web-based efficiencies to make it easier to conduct business in the City of Los Angeles.