P1020302Stakeholders, government officials and interested parties,

This coming Tuesday, July 15 at 6:00 pm, The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council will have a joint committee session with the Government Affairs and By-laws, and the Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committees. It will take place at the Van Nuys Police Station, 6340 Sylvan Street, in the community room.

For the VNNC Government Affairs and By-laws Committee, chairman Paul Anand will conduct the meeting to implement new by-laws into our current in coordination with Empower LA, have more outreach with other governments and bring a cohesive group of council members working together with the retreat. His meetings will be orchestrated between 6:00 to 6:30 pm.

Then the VNNC PLUM Committee will start around 6:30 pm for projects on zoning, planning and the beautification for the Van Nuys District. There will be supporting documents on the agenda items for PLUM posted later for review (if available).

Please review our agendas, feel free to show up at our meetings and to engage on issues that will affect our community.

Quirino de la Cuesta

Co-chair of Planning and Land Use Management Committee

