IMG_0653Greetings My Fellow Citizens,

Tomorrow evening the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council will be hosting a Child and Sex Trafficking Summit in Van Nuys.  Starting at 6:30pm we will be addressing a variety of topics that span the cusp of this disturbing issue that effects all of Southern California.

We are partnering with the FBI & LAPD to address this issue, as well as former victims and current advocates that work to curb and quell child prostitution in the Valley.  I have attached our new addendum to the agenda, with LA Councilwoman Nury Martinez & LA Councilman Paul Krekorian kicking off the summit with opening remarks and comments on how we can tackle modern day sex slavery.

Please get to the Council Chambers early to get a seat, and ensure the summit starts right on time.  Thank you for your continued interest in our community, and see you tomorrow night.  Cheers.

-George Christopher Thomas, Council President
Van Nuys Neighborhood Council

Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
PO Box 3118
Van Nuys, CA 91407
Telephone (818) 533-VNNC (8662)
Email: [email protected] 


Child&SexTraffickingSummit  AddendumToJulyChild&SexTraffickingSummit