IMG_0642Good Afternoon My Fellow Citizens,

Tonight the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council is hosting a Child and Sex Trafficking Summit in Van Nuys.  Starting at 6:30pm we will be addressing a variety of topics that span the cusp of this disturbing issue that effects all of Southern California.

We have partnered with the FBI & LAPD to address this issue, as well as former victims and current advocates that work to curb and quell child prostitution in the Valley.  I have attached our second new addendum to the agenda, with LA Councilwoman Nury Martinez, LA Councilman Paul Krekorian and Assemblyman Adrin Nazarian kicking off the summit with opening remarks and comments on how we can tackle modern day sex slavery.

Please get to the Council Chambers early to get a seat, and ensure the summit starts right on time.  Thank you for your continued interest in our community, and see you this evening.  Cheers.

-George Christopher Thomas, Council President
Van Nuys Neighborhood Council

Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
PO Box 3118
Van Nuys, CA 91407
Telephone (818) 533-VNNC (8662)
Email: [email protected] 


Child&SexTraffickingSummit AddendumToJulyChild&SexTraffickingSummit