This summer the Mayor’s Office and the Emergency Management Department are hosting a series on Disaster Awareness for the small business community. I will be leading the planning and outreach.

The next event is August 5, 2014 South Valley/Harbor Regions.

Our first two events have been great!

We are hoping you can help spread the word through your network as we wish to reach out to as many people as possible.It is important to engage all communities in discussion about disaster awareness. Also, the EOC is something out of a movie. It will be an informative and fun time.

It is also an opportunity for you to share information about your organization with attendees and let your constituents know that you are taking steps to be more prepared.

If you would like a moment to speak at the event or have materials to pass out please let me know.

Attached is an event flyer. 

Below is a description of the event for easier forwarding and posting. Please utilize your email contacts, Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc), and event calendars.

If there is anything you need from me please feel free to email.

We thank you for your support and partnership.


WHAT: An exciting opportunity to get information on the role your small business plays in helping the city “Stay open for Business” and the city’s disaster preparedness infrastructure. We will Tour the “Safest Building in the City,” the state-of-the-art Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The building is the city’s point of primary coordination for disaster management.

“The best way to describe this facility is that it is like something out of a movie”

Learn: How to better prepare your business and home for disasters

Connect:With the people who work everyday to keep us safe.

Receive: Information on free classes and resources that will help you better prepare.

Bonus:Tour the Emergency Operations Center, which is amazing.

WHERE:  Emergency Operations Center – Emergency Management Department, 500 E. Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90012

For further information, contact Frank Aguirre at [email protected]  or Nicholas Romo at [email protected]

DATES/REGIONS:   August 5, 2014  South Valley/Harbor        

*Registration: 10:15 am   Event: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

10am-10:30am Registration, Networking, Cookies, Coffee, Free CPR Training

Please RSVP:

Upcoming Events:

August 5       South Valley/Harbor             RSVP:

August 19     West Valley/Central-West   RSVP:

September 2  West L.A/North Valley         RSVP:

*Seating for all events is limited.                      RSVP TODAY!

*All Events are Free of Charge

Small Biz Disaster South Valley.Harbor Flyer
