Public Safety First
May 2, 2014

Welcome to Public Safety First

As an active community leader in Los Angeles, you might be interested in receiving news alerts and other information regarding public safety in your area. Public Safety First is a public safety and community-focused news and information service of the Los Angeles Police Protective League, which represents over 9,900 LAPD officers who serve and protect Los Angeles. Public Safety First aims to keep public safety issues that affect you and your community at the forefront of Los Angeles city leaders.

We trust that you’ll find Public Safety First email alerts and to be effective news outlets that inform you of the issues that affect public safety, including community events and interests in the L.A. area, local, state and budget matters, the election of public officials and matters involving the Los Angeles Police Department.

The men and women of the LAPD have partnered with the city to help reduce costs and manage budgets. During these lean budget years, officers stepped up and made sacrifices while carrying forward the tradition of proud and professional service. The men and women of the LAPD are sworn to protect and serve. Your feedback and participation are certainly welcome. You are welcome to visit to learn more about the Los Angeles Police Protective League. You can also sign up for our daily NewsWatch emails here to stay informed about local public safety news.

Click here to sign up for NewsWatch Click here to visit

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