Public Safety First
Public Safety First – Keeping Promises to the Community

The leadership of Los Angeles has promised to make it “The Safest Big City in America.” We believe in that promise. Keeping our communities safe means more than just the number of officers on the streets because our officers must have the ability to do their jobs safely and in a timely manner. We have to commit to recruiting the best and the brightest officers, as well as do everything possible to KEEP those highly trained and skilled officers on the job. We must provide the best ongoing training to give our first responders access to the latest in best practices for community policing, tactical skills and conflict resolution.

Click Here To Contact City Hall To Have Your Voice Heard
The men and women of the LAPD have partnered with the City to help reduce costs and manage budgets. During these lean budget years, officers have stepped up and made sacrifices while carrying forward the tradition of a proud and professional service.

The men and women of the LAPD are sworn to protect and serve. It’s a promise they don’t take lightly. Angelenos, will you join us in promising to those who keep our neighborhoods safe that you value their commitment and dedication, and that you will support our leaders in their efforts to put Public Safety First, as our officers do every day?