Location & Date

Marvin Braude Constituent Service Center, 6262 Van Nuys Blvd, Van Nuys
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 6:30 p.m.


Call to Order
Council Members:

Michael Cano, Chair
Donald Weissman, Vice Chair
Dr. Richard Arvizu
Gary Bric
Antonio Lopez
Jesus R. Ochoa
Kymberleigh Richards
Dennis Washburn

Jon Hillmer, Director Service Councils
Dolores Ramos, Council Admin. Analyst
Henry Gonzalez, Council Comm. Rel. Mgr
Gary Spivack, Transportation Operations Mgr.

1. PLEDGE of Allegiance

2. APPROVE Transcript of March 5, 2014 Meeting and Fare Forum

3. CHAIR’S Remarks

4. PUBLIC Comment for items not on the agenda

5. RECEIVE Presentation on Metro’s “On The Move Riders Club” Program, Lilly Ortiz, Project Manager, Transit Safety Programs

6. RECEIVE Presentation on the Five-Year Transit Service and Capital Improvement Plan (TSCIP), Wayne Wassell, Transportation Planning Manager [Draft]

7. RECEIVE Update on Motion 79 Rail Connectivity, Scott Page, Service Development Manager

8. RECEIVE Director’s Report, Jon Hillmer, Director

9. CHAIR and Council Member Comments

Consideration of items not on the posted agenda, including: items to be presented and (if requested) referred to staff; items to be placed on the agenda for action at a future meeting of the Council; and/or items requiring immediate action because of an emergency situation or where the need to take immediate action came to the attention of the Council subsequent to the posting of the agenda.