Speak Up

The city needs your opinion! Four departments are currently seeking input from the public on issues ranging from citywide wi-fi to access to city resources, fire safety, and public library services. Your participation in their surveys will contribute community voices and help shape the future of these programs.

The LA Community Broadband Network is part of a City-wide project designed to make “broadband” available in all areas of Los Angeles at speeds comparable to other innovative communities around the world. The project is intended to:

  • Ensure that every home and every business in Los Angeles can be served by an advanced communications network that will provide a high-speed, high quality broadband connection to the Internet.
  • Ensure that areas of the City that are currently underserved are promptly served.
  • Ensure that the City is served by an open network, so no one is prevented or blocked from taking full advantage of the Internet’s capabilities.
  • Ensure that every Angeleno can enjoy the benefits of broadband, regardless of income or the area in which they reside.

The City intends to seek proposals from one or more entities for construction of advanced wireline and wireless networks and to enter into related contracts that best support the achievement of these goals. The LACBN could be a single network, or a network of networks. But ideally, whether an Angeleno (or a visitor) is in a residence or a business, or is outdoors, he or she will have access to a world-class Internet connection anywhere and at any time in Los Angeles.

Please take our survey to contribute your thoughts on this exciting project! For more information, please visit the Information Technology Agency at http://ita.lacity.org.

The Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) is developing a new, community-driven strategic plan and is teaming up with EmpowerLA to get the word out to members of the community. The partnership between the two city departments is the first of its kind and assists in connecting the LAFD to Los Angeles residents, to engage them in the process of charting the organization’s future.

LAFD Chief John Drake and Captain Kristin Crowley have set out an ambitious commitment to reaching all 95 Neighborhood Councils and their goal is to get feedback from the public on community priorities, expectations, and areas of concern. Neighborhood perspectives and input will be utilized in the development and creation of the LAFD’s community driven strategic plan.
Make your voice heard! Join in the conversation by taking a quick electronic survey and help your Los Angeles Fire Department develop an optimal public service model.

Do you love the LA Public Libraries? To help us better understand what you like about the Los Angeles Public Library, as well as learn about your needs, we invite you to participate in an online Customer Satisfaction Survey. You can choose a 3-min., 7-min. or 15-min. survey available in English, Spanish, Russian and Chinese (traditional and simplified). Information from the survey will help us enhance library services to better meet your needs. Your opinion counts!

The Los Angeles City Clerk’s office is asking for your valuable feedback regarding LACityClerk Connect. LACityClerk Connect is a one-stop online resource created by the Office of the City Clerk that provides direct access to the Council’s files (Council File Management System-CFMS), legislative information, agenda packets, Journals, Referrals, Ordinances, and City contracts. Take the feedback survey to let us know how this tool has been useful and how we can improve on it.

Don’t pass up these opportunities to voice your opinion on some vital city programs and public resources!