The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council board members showed up at Tony Cardenas Affordable Care Act Workshop Event back in March 29 at the Delano Park to show support and representation to the Van Nuys Community. Board members Maria Skelton, Jerry Martin, Jeanette Hopp and some stakeholders were able to meet with Congressman Tony Cardenas & take pictures with him at the event.

Thank you, VNNC board members and stakeholders for showing your support and making this a successful event.


items on the VNNC table. I love Van Nuys!


The new banner of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council being put to good use for the event.


Banner of State Congressman Tony Cardenas at Delano Park


Our Lovely VNNC board member Maria Skelton posing with Congressman Tony Cardenas.


Congressman Tony Cardenas with VNNC board members Maria Skelton, Jerry Martin, Jeanette Hopp and stakeholder Miriam Fogler.