Any Stakeholders who has interest in the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council District is concerned on the direction of Van Nuys should want to be a candidate for the Van Nuys Neighborhood Counci. If you believe that you can make a difference in Van Nuys and want to participate civic issues for Van Nuys, then become a candidate.

Today (Jan. 3) and Tomorrow (Jan. 4) Monday will be the last days to file your candidacy to become a board member for the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council (VNNC). If you are interested, please go to this link to find what position you can file for in the council and here to file your candidacy for VNNC

Please contact elections coordinator, Alisa Smith at [email protected] to ask questions and directions on filing. Good luck and the best candidate win.

Lydia-Grant-at-Rally-in-the-Valley-1-704x318 Candidate-Rally