405_80hr_eblastWe need your help.

If you are or work with a webmaster or social media expert, you can help spread the word about the 80-Hour Closure of the northbound I-405 freeway by posting free widgets to your websites.Scheduled for Presidents’ Day weekend, February 14 through 18, the closures will reduce the mighty I-405’s northbound lanes to two open lanes during daytime hours and a complete closure during nighttime hours.The 80-hour closure will eliminate several 55-hour closures from the project schedule. Motorists need to reduce their driving or avoid the I-405 area; otherwise, multi-hour delays may result.You can emphasize our message of Avoid Delays, Reduce Driving or Stay Away, by choosing one of the advertisements (we have provided six sizes) and pasting that code to your website. We have included the code here.The countdown widgets provide links to the project Facebook and Twitter pages, and the project page that contains heaps of information on the February closures, including when lanes and ramps will be closed. The static banners link directly to the 80-hour closure information page.Thank you for your continued support and partnership in spreading the word on I-405 closures.Updates are available at Twitter and Facebook or the I-405 project website.
Construction Relations
I-405 Sepulveda Pass Improvements Project
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